waaaay too short
Make it longer, and maybe so u can see more houses at one time, in stead of having to scroll left and right, and this can be a really good game!
waaaay too short
Make it longer, and maybe so u can see more houses at one time, in stead of having to scroll left and right, and this can be a really good game!
0543201090282552941811973241702371293 4602841326517927348602809201226933026 4066168320129351129351179351179351231 3512313513600105062874683514683514153 51415351360351360352308351308351||%%%
easy level
so hard!
and so fun! great game, but the levels are a little bit out of order in places if ur goin for order of difficulty
i think that the lion things go away way too fast
other than that tho, its a pretty good game
so yea, make the lions stay a little longer to raise my score
even on too easy, it gets hard. great game
good job
good job on this game! fun, challenging, and overall easy to understand. 9/10 5/5
freakin' awsome
this game is frickin sweet. check this one out...
-b-b------------------0-000---1---2-0 -7-7-0---0-7-7-1---2-4-7-7-0---7-7-4-
Age 29, Male
Taco Bell Team Membe
Joined on 10/22/07